Huberd's Shoe Grease is the original heavy-duty beeswax and pine tar treatment known for its ease of application and ability to waterproof and preserve almost every type of leather. Huberd's Shoe Grease is recommended for heavy duty work and outdoor gear and leather goods. It will protect new gear or restore old favourites. Note: It will darken your leather.
Best For:
- Work boots
- High usage leather
- Breaking in new footwear
- Waterproofing & Conditioning
How To Apply:
- Start with clean, dry, room temperature leather
- Apply with your hands, brush or soft cloth
- Allow to soak in several hours
- Buff off any excess with a soft cloth.
We understand that purchasing product online can be difficult as you're unable to touch, feel or try on items you wish to purchase. Therefore we offer a flexible returns policy, where if you're not happy with any product you have purchased, you can exchange or return the product for a full refund within 14 days of invoice provided it meets our returns criteria.
Shipping Rates (including GST)
- New Zealand $10.00
- Free shipping over $200
Click & Collect
- Albany: Corner of Bush Road & William Pickering Drive, Rosedale 0632
- Pukekohe: 27 Nelson Street, Pukekohe 2120
- Christchurch: 2 Gasson Street, Sydenham 8023
Orders are processed Mon-Fri, excluding public holidays and are usually dispatched within 48 hours of order placement. For further information and to view our full shipping policy click here.
Huberd's Shoe Grease is the original heavy-duty beeswax and pine tar treatment known for its ease of application and ability to waterproof and preserve almost every type of leather. Huberd's Shoe Grease is recommended for heavy duty work and outdoor gear and leather goods. It will protect new gear or restore old favourites. Note: It will darken your leather.
Best For:
- Work boots
- High usage leather
- Breaking in new footwear
- Waterproofing & Conditioning
How To Apply:
- Start with clean, dry, room temperature leather
- Apply with your hands, brush or soft cloth
- Allow to soak in several hours
- Buff off any excess with a soft cloth.
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We understand that purchasing product online can be difficult as you're unable to touch, feel or try on items you wish to purchase. Therefore we offer a flexible returns policy, where if you're not happy with any product you have purchased, you can exchange or return the product for a full refund within 14 days of invoice provided it meets our returns criteria.
Shipping Rates (including GST)
- New Zealand $10.00
- Free shipping over $200
Click & Collect
- Albany: Corner of Bush Road & William Pickering Drive, Rosedale 0632
- Pukekohe: 27 Nelson Street, Pukekohe 2120
- Christchurch: 2 Gasson Street, Sydenham 8023
Orders are processed Mon-Fri, excluding public holidays and are usually dispatched within 48 hours of order placement. For further information and to view our full shipping policy click here.
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